Get to the root cause of your symptoms and health concerns with just 4 strands of hair!

Our hair tells a story & it’s the answer you’ve been searching for.

30+ page report:

  • ways to support your bodies needs with nutrition

  • identify possible root causes for symptoms

  • prioritizes which things are impacting your body the most

  • clear path to healing

The real transformation and value comes with the detailed review of your report and recommendations by a Nurse Practitioner AND Holistic Nutritionist

What they say…

Parts of The Nutritional Hair Analysis


Find out if you are low in the following nutrients so that you can add these things in your diet or supplement when necessary: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and fatty acids. Many of these are things we cannot or do not regularly check for on blood work.


Identify foods that your body is not tolerating and may be contributing to your overall health and symptoms so that you can avoid them.


A list of food additives that you should remove from your diet and personal care products. For a lot of people these can be contributing greatly to their symptoms, especially their allergies, skin issues and gut symptoms.


See if your body is affected by parasites, mold, fungus, bacteria or viruses. These things play a major role in the inflammation in our bodies and are a root cause of symptoms or inability to truly be healthy for a lot of people.


Identify which systems of your body are requiring the most support and being the most impacted so that we can increase our efforts at helping them to function optimally!


We are exposed to so much technology in our modern society. See if this is impacting your health. You would be surprised at how many of my clients have interference as a top priority.

Environmental Challenges

Things like radiation, toxic metals as well as chemicals and hydrocarbons are things that we are exposed to in our everyday environments that have the potential to pinpoint and address through this test.

Check out this sample report!

The two ways to book:

Your In-Person Hair Analysis Outline:

  • Book your session via the link below for in person sessions at 5454 Bridge Street in Roscoe, Illinois

  • When you arrive for your scheduled 15 minute session we collect 4 strands of hair and then you get to go on with your day. We can perform tests on anyone age 1 and up (for kids we also collect a saliva swab).

  • Within 15 minutes you will receive your 30+ page report in your email!

  • Within 48 hours you will receive a detailed video of me going through your results as well as individualized recommendations so that you can watch on your own time and reference time and time again!

  • Make sure to mark your calendar for 90 days out as a reminder to book your next hair analysis.

Your Mail-In Nutritional Hair Analysis Outline:

  • Purchase the Nutritional Hair Analysis Kit via the link below.

  • You will be mailed a collection kit with clear instructions on how to collect the hair sample yourself with prepaid return shipping.

  • Within 3 business days of receiving the results, I will send you an email with a video explaining your results and my recommendations!

  • Make sure to mark your calendar for 90 days out as a reminder to book your next hair analysis.

The Nutritional Hair Analysis Report.

Watch this video to learn more about the report!


  • Yes! I recommend 48 hours in between having your hair colored/highlighted and having your sample collected.

  • No problem! We can easily use eyebrow hair. Don’t worry it’s only 4 strands!

  • Insurance does NOT cover this test. However, certain FSA or HSA plans may cover this, therefore you would need to check with your individual FSA/HSA provider.

  • The Nutritional Hair Analysis gives you SO much more information than you get from your “conventional” bloodwork including many of the nutrient deficiencies, enviromental exposures and foods that may be impacting your body. Additionally, you get a specific game plan to address these needs through foods.

  • Instead of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for highly specific tests such as the GI MAP or HTMA test that are designed to only look at one segment of your health, the Nutritional Hair Analysis is a much more affordable way to get a holistic and comprehensive view of what may be impacting your body and HOW to address it.

  • Absolutely not! This test is designed to help support you in optimizing your health and provide additional information on your bodies needs. It does not replace your care by your medical provider.

  • Yes! This test is perfect for directing your supplement regimen.

  • The hair sample is collected from the root of our hair and gives us insight into what has impacted your body over the last 90 days. Here’s why that’s so amazing. Unless you are in an acute situation (i.e. in the hospital) we don’t necessarily need to know what is impacting our body in this EXACT moment because things can change moment to moment. When we are trying to get to the root cause of health concerns or suppor our overall health we want to know what is impacting our body the most overall an prioritize that when making nutrition and lifestye modifications!