Realistic and sustainable nutrition for families.


Are you tired of…

Masking symptoms you are experiencing with band-aid solutions

Not figuring out the root cause of your health concerns

Getting the one size fits all answer to your problem

Thinking you are going to deal with “xyz” forever

Being told your labs are normal even though you feel terrible

Prescription medications being the only option you are provided

I can help you!


This is the time to finally feel your best.

Explore the ways I can help you take control of your health and get the results you are looking for.

Coaching is perfect for the person who is all in on getting to the root cause of their health concerns and wants my support and expertise every step along the way.

With just 4 strands of hair you are given over 30 pages of individualized information about your health making it a no brainer for anyone who is trying to get to the root cause of their health concerns!

What they say…

Ready to eliminate the top environmental exposures for your family?

Click the link below to get my FREE GUIDE!


Let me lay it all out there for you…

After working as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner for several years I realized I wasn’t helping my patients to truly live healthy lives. I was sick of treating symptoms and sending referrals for them to still not get the answers and results they deserved. I felt like all we were doing was masking the symptoms that their bodies were experiencing for a reason. In order to truly help people to become healthy I needed to help them with the source of the problem or the “root cause”. I needed to empower and educate families to support the foundations of their health so they can actually live a healthy and happy life. I needed to give them the tools to finally feel like they are in the drivers seat of their own health rather than just being along for the ride.

Let’s connect!